• Books
Abdo, Nahla, and Masalha, Nur, eds., An Oral History of the Palestinian Nakba. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press (distributed for Zed Books), 2018. (“A landmark intervention, this cross-disciplinary book provides innovative analytical frameworks for studying the persistent erasure of Palestine. This insightful and comprehensive work proposes alternative ways of knowing and telling, rearticulating the Nakba as an ongoing process of dispossession.” - Ella Shohat, NYU)
Abu Sitta, Salman H. The Atlas of Palestine 1917-1966. London: Palestine Land Society, 2010. This is an enlarged, extended and edited edition of the Atlas of Palestine, 1948 published in 2004. (All four parts of the new edition are available online for free at http://www.plands.org/en/maps-atlases/atlases/the-atlas-of-palestine)
Abu Sitta, Salman H. The Palestinian Nakba 1948: The Register of Depopulated Localities in Palestine. London: Palestine Return Center, September, 2000. (Available as a free PDF at http://www.plands.org/en/books-reports/books/the-palestinian-nakba-1948)
Al-Hardan, Anaheed. Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018. ("Al-Hardan’s mastery of historical context; her nuanced approach to the symbolic nature of memory-making-for community-building among three generations of refugees; and her clear-eyed articulation of a catastrophe of catastrophes is as groundbreaking as it is heart-wrenching.” - Journal of Palestine Studies)
Alshaer, Atef, ed. "A Map of Absence: An Anthology of Palestinian Writing on the Nakba.” London: Saqi Books, 2019. ("This unique collection brings together the finest poetry and prose on the Nakba by Palestinian writers over the last seventy years, for the first time. Covering three critical periods (pre-Nakba, post-Nakba and post-Oslo Accords), it includes translated excerpts of poems, novels, short stories and memoirs by major authors such as Mahmoud Darwish, Samira Azzam, Fadwa Tuqan and Edward Said, as well as by emerging Palestinian writers. - Saqi)
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein, and Eléonore Marza Bronstein. Nakba in Hebrew — A Politcal Journey. Tel Aviv [Hebrew only, plans to translate to French and English], 2018. Available here from De-Colonizer. ("tracing the work of the organization Zochrot (pioneered by Eitan), to uncover the Nakba and bring it to the front of Israeli Jewish awareness (against a systematic culture and policy of denial, epitomized in the Nakba law of 2011, prohibiting its commemoration)….the significance of this for Hebrew readers must not be underestimated - it seeks to find cracks in a wall of societal Israeli-Jewish Hebrew-speaking denial, and it seeks to open up for a discussion of a subject which has become something of an official taboo.” - Jonathan Ofir)
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein, and Eléonore Marza Bronstein. Nakba: The Struggle to Decolonise Israel. London: Gilgamesh Publishing, 2023. (“In 1948 three-quarters of a million Palestinians were expelled from their land and and some 615 villages were destroyed in order to establish the state of Israel. This is known as the Nakba (“catastrophe” in Arabic). It is it is something which was, for a long time, not discussed in Israel. This was, essentially, the front line of a battle against an established colonial narrative which started at the end of the 19th century and which continues to this day. This important book explores the experience of Eitan Bronstein, a leading voice for political change in Israel. How did this young Israeli kibbutznik, once a left-wing Zionist, become a radical anti-Zionist? This account draws together a moving personal story with the unrolling of an epic section of history. It highlights how Israelis see the Nakba and explores their responses to Palestinian insistence on the right of return. In essence, it is a window on Israeli society itself. What emerges is the hope that a new generation of Israelis will free themselves from a collective colonial identity and will conceive of a way of cohabiting on this land legitimately, in a way that will be fair for all.”)
B’Tselem. Facing Expulsion Blog. ("Thousands of people – residents of dozens of Palestinian communities located throughout Area C, the West Bank – face imminent expulsion by Israeli authorities on a variety of pretexts. The live blog will pool the regular updates we get from B’Tselem field researchers regarding the communities and any attempts by authorities to expel them. Click on the number of a community cluster and then on the tent icon marked on the map for further information about communities facing the risk of expulsion.”)
Cronin, David. Balfour's Shadow: A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel. London: Pluto Press, 2017. ("Cronin describes vividly how, by deception, Britain's imperial designs and perceived need for international Jewish support in wartime gave birth to the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, which handed Arab Palestine to the Zionist Movement, as a 'Jewish national home' or Jewish state. Cronin examines Britain's continuing pernicious, deadly and lucrative relationship with Israel, its political support for Israel's war crimes, and theft of Arab land and the mutual arms trade.” - Tim Llewellyn)
Davis, Rochelle. Palestinian Village Histories: Geographies of the Displaced (Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures). Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010. (“[O]ver four hundred Palestinian villages were depopulated in the 1947-1949 war. With houses mostly destroyed, mosques and churches put to other uses, and cemeteries plowed under, Palestinian communities were left geographically dispossessed. Palestinians have since carried their village names, memories, and possessions with them into the diaspora, transforming their lost past into local histories in the form of “village memorial books”. Numbering more than 100 volumes in print, these books recount family histories, cultural traditions, and the details of village life, revealing Palestinian history through the eyes of Palestinians….this book analyzes individual and collective historical accounts of everyday life in pre-1948 Palestinian villages as composed today from the perspectives of these long-term refugees.” – Stanford University Press)
Esber, Rosemary M. Under the Cover of War: the Zionist Expulsion of the Palestinians. Alexandria, VA: Arabicus Books, 2008. (“While other recent books on the subject have relied on Israeli and Zionist archival sources, Esber uses British archives and oral testimonies from Palestinian survivors as well as previously used sources to demonstrate that there was a purposeful, systematic pattern by which Zionist forces depopulated Palestinian cities and villages before the end of the British mandate on 15 May 1948 and the subsequent intervention of Arab armies.” – Maureen Claire Murphy, ei)
Finkelstein, Norman G. Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, New and Revised Edition 2nd Edition, Verso, April 2003. (“... the most revealing study of the historical background of the conflict and the current peace agreement.”—Noam Chomsky, Guardian; “Norman Finkelstein is one of the most radical and hard-hitting critics of the official Zionist version of the Arab-Israeli conflict and of the historians who support this version ... The book makes a major contribution to the study of the Arab-Israeli conflict which deserves to be widely read, especially in the United States.” - Avi Shlaim)
Gordon, Nahida Halaby, ed., Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage and Steadfastness, Wooster, OH: Palestine Books, 2016. (“The book contains a brief contemporary history of Palestine, short essays, first hand testimonies from Palestinians who experienced different periods of their country’s painful recent history, and chapters on the liberation art of currently occupied Palestine and on the origins of the traditional Palestinian costume. Sixty-one black and white images – maps, photographs, works of art, traditional costumes, and embroidery – serve to illustrate the narratives and chapters of the book. A discussion leader’s guide and a series of questions at the end of each section are provided to aid group discussion and reflection.” – Palestine Books)
Hever, Hannan, ed., with Benit, Moran, Shmueloff, Matti, Siksek, Ayman, and Gardi, Tomer. Tell it Not in Gath: The Palestinian Nakba in Hebrew Poetry, 1948-1958. Haifa: Pardes Publications, Parrhesia, 2009. (“[A]n anthology of Hebrew poems written during the 1948 war and its aftermath that invoke the Palestinian Nakba. The anthology is the product of Prof. Hever's examination of Hebrew books and newspapers published from November 30, 1947 up to the end of 1948.” – Zochrot)
Kadman, Noga. Erased from Space and Consciousness: Israel and the Depopulated Palestinian Villages of 1948 (English Edition). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2015. (“This remarkable book examines how the issue of the Palestinian villages whose inhabitants were expelled in 1948 has evolved in Israeli consciousness. Kadman looks at official Israeli discourse, kibbutz and moshav diaries and records, and the maps produced by the Israeli state to show in disturbing detail how the dispossession of the population of over 400 villages, most of which have since been destroyed, has been largely eliminated from the imaginary of most Israelis.” – Rashid Khalidi; “Poignant, sensitive, and compassionate, Kadman’s deeply-informed inquiry exposes graphically the process of 'demographic Judaization' of Palestine, in physical reality and cultural comprehension. It is an invaluable contribution…” - Noam Chomsky)
Karmi, Ghada. In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story. London: Verso Books, 2009. ("Karmi’s great achievement is to humanise the Palestinian predicament. Violent uprooting and exile have permanent psychological effects, which, as the Jewish people discovered, are not necessarily assuaged by the passage of time. We need counter-narratives like this, because we have recently learnt that it is not only parochial but also dangerous to ignore the pain and rights of others.” - Independent)
Kassem, Fatima. Palestinian Women: Narrative Histories and Gendered Memory. London: Zed Books, 2011. (“A powerful and much-needed oral history of the Nakba from the 'forgotten community' of Palestinian women who live on in Israel. Fatma Kassem not only gives these women back their voice, but bravely helps us to understand through her own difficulties as an academic why Israel wants their silence to continue.” - Jonathan Cook, author of Disappearing Palestine)
Khalidi, Rashid. Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998. ("Yet while modern Palestinian history is inextricably intertwined with that of Zionism, Khalidi focuses as much on other constituents of modern Palestinian identity, which include "patriotic feelings, local loyalties, Arabism, religious sentiments, [and] higher levels of education and literacy.'' He demonstrates how the long-term influence of modernization, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and concomitant European incursion in the preWW I era, followed by the betrayal of promises made by both the British and French, contributed as much to Palestinian nationalism as the 1917 Balfour Declaration and Zionist immigration.”)
Khalidi, Walid. Before Their Diaspora: A Photographic History of the Palestinians, 1876-1948. Washington, DC: Institute for Palestine Studies, 2004. (“Before Their Diaspora is a visual journey into Palestine before 1948. Every aspect of Palestinian society comes to life in…nearly 500 photographs…..” – IPS) Before Their Diaspora is now an interactive website, a data base, and a free digital book which has been made available online.
Khalidi, Walid, ed. All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948. Washington, DC.: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1992. (“A fundamental research tool for all historians interested in the history of Palestine. A monumental effort … a major achievement.” – Roger Owen, The Middle East Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University) The introduction to All That Remains is available here.
Lentin, Ronit. Co-memory and Melancholia: Israelis Memorialising the Palestininan Nakba. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2010. (“This book explores the construction of collective memory in Israeli society, where the memory of the trauma of the Holocaust and of Israel’s war dead competes with the memory claims of the dispossessed Palestinians. Taking an auto-ethnographic approach, Ronit Lentin makes a contribution to social memory studies through a critical evaluation of the co-memoration of the Palestinian Nakba by Israeli Jews. Against a background of the Israeli resistance movement, Lentin’s central argument is that co-memorating the Nakba by Israeli Jews is motivated by an unresolved melancholia about the disappearance of Palestine and the dispossession of the Palestinians, a melancholia that shifts mourning from the lost object to the grieving subject. Lentin theorizes Nakba co-memory as a politics of resistance, counterpoising co-memorative practices by internally displaced Israeli Palestinians with Israeli Jewish discourses of the Palestinian right of return, and questions whether return narratives by Israeli Jews, courageous as they may seem, are ultimately about Israeli Jewish self-healing rather than justice for Palestine.” – Manchester University Press)
Manna, Adel. Nakba and Survival: The Story of Palestinians Who Remained in Haifa and the Galilee, 1948-1956. New Directions in Palestinian Studies, Vol 6, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2022. ("This is a meticulously researched, beautifully written account of Palestinians who fought tenaciously to remain in their homeland and to survive under the new Israeli regime. By foregrounding the detailed testimonials of Palestinian Nakba survivors, Adel Manna's vivid account uncovers their agency in the midst of great trauma. Nakba and Survival is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand how the events of 1948 continue to shape the Palestinian condition today"—Maha Nassar, author of Brothers Apart: Palestinian Citizens of Israel and the Arab World.” - Maha Nassar) [Available for free (open access e-book) at luminosa.org ]
Masalha, Nur. Expulsion of Palestinians: The Concept of “Transfer” in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948.
Washington, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1992. (“Almost entirely
based on declassified Israeli archival material, Dr. Masalha’s sober and
carefully researched account shows conclusively that “transfers” — a
euphemism for expulsion — was from the start an integral part of
Zionism…(an) impressive and timely book…quietly devastating research.” –
Rt. Hon. Lord Gilmour, The Guardian, UK)
Masalha, Nur. The Palestine Nakba: Decolonising History, Narrating the Subaltern, Reclaiming Memory. London: Zed, 2004. (“Masalha argues that to write more truthfully about the Nakba is not just to practice a professional historiography but a moral imperative. The struggles of the ordinary refugees to publicize the truth about the Nakba is a vital way of protecting the refugees’ rights and keeping the hope for peace with justice alive. With the history, rights, and needs of the Palestinian refugees being excluded from recent Middle East peacemaking efforts and with the failure of both the Israeli state and international community to acknowledge the Nakba, “1948” as an “ethnic cleansing” continues to underpin the Palestine-Israel conflict. This book is vital for a real understanding of the Israel-Palestine conflict.” – Zed / “This book is the most comprehensive and penetrating analysis available of the catastrophe that befell Arab Palestine and its people in 1948, known as the nakba. It shows how the expulsion and physical obliteration of the material traces of a people was followed by what Masalha calls 'memoricide': the effacement of their history, their archives, and their place-names, and a denial that they ever existed.” – Rashid Khalidi, Columbia University / For an informative review of The Palestine Nakba see Bernard Regan's "Review of The Palestine Nakba,” Red Pepper, June 20, 2012.)
Masalha, Nur, ed. Catastrophe Remembered: Palestine, Israel, and the Internal Refugees. London: Zed, 2005. (Essays in memory of Edward Said. “This is a work of enormous significance by distinguished scholars of singular courage and integrity. The spirit and legacy of Edward Said are embodied in these papers that seek to rectify grave historical omissions and distortions pertaining to the plight and rights of the Palestinians, particularly in their displacement and exile. Such a narrative of affirmation, authenticity, and rectification is the essential antidote to the mendacious accounts of exclusion and denial that have perpetuated, and even justified, the continued victimisation of the Palestinian nation. The recognition of this grievous injustice, along with the admission of Israeli and global culpability, are the first steps in the quest for a just peace and hence for historical redemption.” – Hanan Ashrawi) The foreward and introduction to Catastrophe Remembered can be read here.
Morris, Benny. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. (“In this first full-length study of the birth of the Palestinian refugee
problem, the author traces the stages of the 1947-9 exodus against the
backdrop of the first Arab-Israeli war and analyzes the varied causes of
the flight. The Jewish and Arab decision-making involved, on national
and local levels, military and political, is described and explained, as
is the crystallization of Israel's decision to bar a refugee
repatriation. Morris examines the subsequent fate of the abandoned Arab
villages, lands, and urban neighborhoods, and looks at the international
context of the war and the exodus. Benny Morris was born and educated
in Israel and received his doctorate from the University of Cambridge.
He is diplomatic correspondent for The Jerusalem Post.” – Cambridge University Press)
Morris, Benny. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. (“Morris' earlier work exposed the realities of how 700,000 Palestinians
became refugees during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. While the focus of
this edition remains the war and exodus, new archival material considers
what happened in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Haifa, and how these events led
to the collapse of urban Palestine. Revealing battles and atrocities
that contributed to the disintegration of rural communities, the story
is harrowing.” – Cambridge University Press) [Available online as a pdf here. )
Nashef, Hania A.M. Palestinian Culture and the Nakba: Bearing Witness. Milton Park, Abingdon: Rutledge, 2020. ("This book looks at the icons, narratives and symbols that have become synonymous with Palestinian identity and culture and which have, in the absence of a homeland, become a source of memory. It discusses how these icons have come into being and how they have evolved into sites of power which help to keep the story and identity of the Palestinians alive. The book looks at examples from Palestinian caricature, film, literature, poetry and painting, to see how these works ignite memories of the homeland and help to reinforce the diasporic identity. It also argues that the creators of these narratives or emblems have themselves become cultural icons within the collective Palestinian recollection.”)
Nassar, Issam, Stephen Sheehi, and Salim Tamari. Camera Palaestina: Photography and Displaced Histories of Palestine. New Directions in Palestinian Studies Book 5. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2022. ("Camera Palaestina is a critical exploration of Jerusalemite chronicler Wasif Jawhariyyeh (1904–1972) and his seven photography albums entitled The Illustrated History of Palestine. Jawhariyyeh’s nine hundred images narrate the rich cultural and political milieu of Ottoman and Mandate Palestine. Nassar, Sheehi, and Tamari locate this archive at the juncture between the history of photography in the Arab world and the social history of Palestine. Shedding new light on this foundational period, the authors explore not just major historical events and the development of an urban bourgeois lifestyle but a social field of vision of Palestinian life as exemplified in the Jerusalem community.”)
Palumbo, Michael. The Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 Expulsion of a People From Their Homeland. London: Faber and Faber, 1987. (“Palumbo’s work confirms and supplements the growing literature on how the Palestinians became refugees.” - Naseer Aruri)
Pappe, Ilan. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Oxford:
Oneworld, 2007. [“(Pappe accuses) Israel of ethnic cleansing and crimes
against humanity, beginning in the 1948 war for independence and
continuing through the present. Focusing primarily on Plan D (Dalet,
in Hebrew), conceived on March 10, 1948, Pappe demonstrates how ethnic
cleansing was not a circumstance of war, but rather a deliberate goal of
combat for early Israeli military units organized by David Ben-Gurion,
whom Pappe labels the "architect of ethnic cleansing." The forced
expulsion of 800,000 Palestinians between 1948 and 1949, Pappe argues,
was part of a long-standing Zionist plan to manufacture an ethnically
pure Jewish state. Framing his argument with accepted international and
U.N. definitions of ethnic cleansing, Pappe follows with an
excruciatingly detailed account of Israeli military involvement in the
demolition and depopulation of hundreds of villages, and the expulsion
of hundreds of thousands of Arab inhabitants. An accessible, learned
resource, this volume provides important insights into the historical
antecedents of today's conflict, but its conclusions will not be easy
for everyone to stomach: Pappe argues that the ethnic cleansing of
Palestine continues today, and calls for the unconditional return of all
Palestinian refugees and an end to the Israeli occupation.” – Publishers Weekly]
Roberts, Jo. Contested Land, Contested Memory: Israel's Jews and Arabs and the Ghosts of Catastrophe. Toronto: Dundurn, 2013. (“Jo Roberts, a British lawyer and anthropologist, focuses on how Israel contends with the Nakba, its 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine. She examines how “contested histories of the past” currently affect the lives of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel. Roberts principally analyzes how the respective traumatic histories of Israelis and Palestinians shape their national identities and influence the possibility of their reconciliation. The author significantly contributes to the historiography of 1948, particularly in her presentation of the lesser-known experiences of displaced Palestinians who remained in what became Israel after the war. Roberts’s thoughtful book considers the traumas of the Holocaust for Jewish Israelis and the Nakba for Palestinian citizens of Israel through the lens of “social suffering. This anthropological perspective examines how individuals and communities perceive and respond to social forces of catastrophic violence.” – Rosemarie M. Esber in Electronic Intifada)
Robinson, Shira. Citizen Strangers: Palestinians and the Birth of Israel’s Liberal Settler State. Redwood City: Stanford University Press, 2013. (“Following the 1948 war and the creation of the state of Israel, Palestinian Arabs comprised just fifteen percent of the population but held a much larger portion of its territory. Offered immediate suffrage rights and, in time, citizenship status, they nonetheless found their movement, employment, and civil rights restricted by a draconian military government put in place to facilitate the colonization of their lands. Citizen Strangers traces how Jewish leaders struggled to advance their historic settler project while forced by new international human rights norms to share political power with the very people they sought to uproot. For the next two decades Palestinians held a paradoxical status in Israel, as citizens of a formally liberal state and subjects of a colonial regime.”)
Rogan, Eugene L. and Shlaim, Avi, eds. The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011. (“The official Israeli version of the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem has been challenged by, among other people, a group of Israeli scholars who are variably called the “new historians” or the “revisionists.” In this edited volume, Rogan and Shlaim, two prominent scholars of the modern Middle East at the University of Oxford, have brought together leading Israeli revisionist historians with noted Arab and Western scholars to explain the historical and contemporary significance of the 1948 War from various perspectives.” – Library Journal)
Sa'di, Ahmad H., ed. and Abu-Lughod, Lila, ed. Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory (Cultures of History). New York: Columbia University Press, 2007. (Ahmad H. Sa'di is a senior lecturer in the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University. Lila Abu-Lughod is professor of anthropology and gender studies at Columbia University. “[F]or Palestinians themselves, the iniquities of the present are experienced as a continuous replay of the injustice of the past. By focusing on memories of the Nakba or “catastrophe” of 1948, in which hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were dispossessed to create the state of Israel, the contributors to this volume illuminate the contemporary Palestinian experience and clarify the moral claims they make for justice and redress. The book's essays consider the ways in which Palestinians have remembered and organized themselves around the Nakba, a central trauma that continues to be refracted through Palestinian personal and collective memory. Analyzing oral histories and written narratives, poetry and cinema, personal testimony and courtroom evidence, the authors show how the continuing experience of violence, displacement, and occupation have transformed the pre-Nakba past and the land of Palestine into symbols of what has been and continues to be lost.” – Columbia University Press)
Saloul, Ihab. Telling Memories: Al-Nakba in Palestinian Exilic Narratives. UvA-Dare (Digital Academic Repository), University of Amsterdam, 2009. (“Each of the following five chapters of this study addresses issues pertinent to debates over Palestinian cultural memory and identity such as nostalgia and trauma, narrative fragmentation and notions of home and forced travel, space-time configurations and the anti-linearity of memory, the play of power in memory and the meanings of silence and denial, performance as representationally performative, and “post-memory” and geopolitical continuity of loss of place in the everyday.”)
Sayigh, Rosemary, ed. Allan, Diana, Voices of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine. London, UK: Pluto Press, 2021. Translations by Hoda Adra and Rayya Badran. ("Winner of an English PEN Award 2021 / Diana Allan is Associate Professor of Anthropology at McGill University” / "Through the pages of this book the reader can hear, feel, experience and understand more about the Nakba than by reading any other book on the subject." – Raja Shehadeh. / "Brings to life the experiences of ordinary Palestinians in pre-1948 Palestine and the traumatic experience of war and exile, written by leading scholars in the field. Of special value in this volume is the section on control and resistance during the Mandate dealing with policing, and narratives of rebellion’' – Salim Tamari, Professor of Sociology [Emeritus], Birzeit University)
Tamari, Salim, ed. Jerusalem 1948: The Arab Neighbourhoods and their Fate in the War. Jerusalem: Institute of Jerusalem Studies and Bethlehem: Badil Resource Center, 1999. (“…an informative, enlightening, candidly descriptive and analytical history…. highly recommended….” – Midwest Book Review)
Weaver, Alain Epp. Mapping Exile and Return: Palestinian Dispossession and a Political Theology for a Shared Future. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2014. (“American Mennonite theologian and aid worker Alain Epp Weaver explores a legacy of Palestinian Christian exile, and struggle for return. The book’s terrain ranges from the ethnically-cleansed villages of the Galilee to the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Weaver focuses particularly on contending geographies: how “Palestinians have been ‘abolished from the map,’ in the words of Palestinian cartographer Salman Abu-Sitta,” and the prospect of “counter-cartographies that subvert colonialism’s map-making….“In the face of Zionist rejection of Palestinian refugee return, international indifference, and an ineffectual and compromising Palestinian leadership for whom the refugee question is a source of irritation, Palestinian refugees pin their hopes on memory,” Weaver writes.” – Joe Catron, ei)
Yiftachel, Oren. Ethnocracy: Land and Identity Politics in Israel/Palestine. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006. ("For Oren Yiftachel, the notion of ethnocracy suggests a political regime that facilitates expansion and control by a dominant ethnicity in contested lands. It is neither democratic nor authoritarian, with rights and capabilities depending primarily on ethnic origin and geographic location….According to Yiftachel, the primary manifestation of ethnocracy in Israel/Palestine has been a concerted strategy by the state of "Judaization." Yiftachel's book argues that ethnic relations—both between Jews and Palestinians, and among ethno-classes within each nation—have been shaped by the diverse aspects of the Judaization project and by resistance to that dynamic.”)
Zochrot. Omrim Yshna Eretz — Once Upon a Land: A Tour Guide. Hebrew and Arabic. Haifa: Pardes Publications, 2012. (“[A] bilingual tour guide, in Hebrew and Arabic, to what is left and - mainly - what was erased, almost without a trace. A journey through time and consciousness, 18 tours to some of the approximately 400 Palestinian villages and urban neighborhoods, whose residents fled or were expelled in 1948. Most of their homes were wiped off the face of the earth immediately afterward, generally without even a sign remaining of them.” – Gideon Levy / Also see the description by Zochrot as well as the book review by the Human Rights Education Director of Amnesty International Israel. )

May 15, 2012. An Israeli activist wears a shirt reading — in Hebrew and Arabic — “Deir Yassin,” during a Tel Aviv event commemorating the Palestinian Nakba. Deir Yassin was a Palestinian village which Zionist paramilitary groups attacked on April 9, 1948, systematically massacring over 100 Palestinian men, women, and children. Photo by: Oren Ziv/ Activestills.org. See 1] Ofir Anderet’s article in Haaretz: "Testimonies From the Censored Deir Yassin Massacre: 'They Piled Bodies and Burned Them’. A young fellow tied to a tree and set on fire. A woman and an old man shot in back. Girls lined up against a wall and shot with a submachine gun. The testimonies collected by filmmaker Neta Shoshani about the massacre in Deir Yassin are difficult to process even 70 years after the fact,” July 16, 2017; 2] Zochrot’s short history, “Dayr Yasin”; 3] the articles in Electronic intifada about Deir Yassin, including: a] Ilan Pappe in Electronic Intifada: "How Israel was absolved of Deir Yassin and all other massacres,” April 10, 2015; b] Dina Elmuti’s three articles in Electronic Intifada: "Deir Yassin’s inextinguishable fire,” April 9, 2010, "We must never forget the massacre in Deir Yassin,” April 3, 2013, and "The scars of Deir Yassin and our determination to survive,” April 7, 2014; c] Ronnie Kasril’s article in Elecrtronic Intifada: "Sixty years after Deir Yassin,” April 7, 2008, and d] Jonathan Cook’s article in Electronic Intifada: "Sunbathing at the crime scene: the Israeli resort that covers up a massacre,” June 3, 2015.
• Maps
Colonialism in destru(A)ction (De-Colonizer, 2017) [“Palestinian, Jewish and Syrian localities destroyed since the beginning of Zionism until 2016…The map is designed and planned for a printed format over a 65x100 cm sheet. The online version is for free browsing.”]
Nakba Map (TerraMetrics, 2014) [Clicking on a dot on the Google map opens up a pop-up bubble which shows information about that location]
Nakba Map in Hebrew (Zochrot, 2013) [Downloadable. “Zochrot presents the first Nakba map in Hebrew. It includes the localities in the country that were destroyed between the beginning of Zionist colonization and the 1967 war.”]
"Khan al-Ahmar is situated a few kilometres from Jerusalem between two major illegal Israeli settlements, Maale Adumim and Kfar Adumim, which the Israeli government wants to expand. Israeli authorities aim to expel 10,000 Bedouin residents from the E1 Zone, 15-square kilometres land within East Jerusalem, to make way for a series of new Jewish-only residential units linking Jerusalem to the illegal settlements, thereby cutting the West Bank into two.” Also see "Netanyahu to use demolition of Khan al-Ahmar for votes,” by Tamara Nassar, Electronic Intifada, February 27, 2019.
Palestine Open Maps “is a platform that seeks to combine emerging technologies for mapping and immersive storytelling to: Open-source and make searchable, for the first time, a uniquely detailed set of historic maps from the period of the British Mandate of Palestine; Curate layered visual stories that bring to life absent and hidden geographies, in collaboration with data journalists, academic researchers, and civil society groups. This alpha version of the platform allows users to navigate and search the historic map sheets, and to view basic data about present and erased localities….The idea for this platform was inspired by a large collection of 1940s survey maps from the British Mandate of Palestine recently digitized by the Israeli national library. These maps—all now in the public domain—cover the territory at scales of up to 1:20,000, offering a vivid snapshot of a human and natural geography almost unrecognizable on the ground today, with an unparalleled level of physical detail, including population centers, roads, topographic features and property boundaries. Although the maps were already in the public domain, their usefulness was limited since they comprise hundreds of separate sheets with no easy means to search, navigate or otherwise comprehend. By combining these sheets into seamless layers that can be navigated online, and combining them with other available data sources, such as the 1945 Village Statistics, historic photography, oral histories and present day digital maps and data, this platform seeks to offer an invaluable resource for mapping the transformation in the human geography of historic Palestine over the past 70+ years."

Hand drawn map by Ahmad Ibrahim of
his village, Jimzu, Palestine, after it was
destroyed in 1948. From memory,
Ibrahim labeled in Arabic where each
individual neighbor lived. Arab American
National Museum Collection, 2004.74.00
• Articles
+972. “How Nakba villages sunk into Israeli landscape," May 15, 2012.
+972. “Photo essay: Al-Araqib Bedouin's ongoing struggle for their land," [photos by Oren Ziv, Yotam Ronen, and Keren Manor/Activestills.org], August 11, 2012
Abu Hannah-Nahhas. "What does the Nakba Mean to Young Palestinians in Israel?” Nakba Files, February 16, 2017. [Excerpt: "How is the memory of the Nakba sustained by younger generations of Palestinians living in Israel? Unlike Palestinians living in camps or elsewhere in exile, those living in Israel face sustained state efforts to erase this event. Yet the collective memory of 1948 is still mapping out Palestinians’ daily lives so that there is no place to ‘forget’ it – how does this happen?”]
Abu Nimah, Hassan. “Al-Walajah, a symbol of Israeli ethnic cleansing," Electronic Intifada, October 9, 2009.
Abu Nimah, Hassan. “I vividly remember the Nakba,” Electronic Intifada, May 15, 2022. [Excerpt: "Seventy-four years ago, I witnessed the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. I experienced it from the perspective of a 12-year-old boy in my rural village of Battir.”]
Abu Nimah, Hassan. “Israel’s wall will destroy my birthplace, Battir,” Electronic Intifada, January 9, 2013. [Excerpt: "But as one who lived the deeper pain of seeing the entire history of Palestine destroyed, as one who experienced the massive international injustice that befell the Palestinian people, and as one who witnesses the hypocrisy and the silence of the civilized world in front of an ongoing Israeli aggression, I see the Battir story as a detail. Battir is a victim of this monstrous atrocity but by no means the only victim. The wall is illegal and wrong, not only when it divides and destroys Battir. Battir, if it suffers this terrible fate, will be only the latest of a long line of villages including Bilin, Nilin and Nabi Saleh, where Palestinians are struggling to keep hold of their land. The occupation is wrong too. The eradication of the Palestinian people is wrong and so is the colonization of the Palestinian and the other Arab lands. There are more wrongs than the wall. We must be constantly reminded that we should see the forest not just the tree, even when the tree is one that we have grown up with and love.”]
Abulhawa, Susan. “Are Israelis Now Appropriating the Nakba?" The Palestine Chronicle, May 14, 2013.
Abunimah, Ali. "Built-in racism: Israeli real estate article lauds “desirable” Arab-free neighborhood,” Electronic Intifada, July 20, 2012.
Abunimah, Ali. “Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker’s Gaza genocide plan,” Electronic Intifada, August 3, 2014. [Excerpt: "Moshe Feiglin, the deputy speaker of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, has published a plan for the total destruction of the Palestinian people in Gaza. His detailed plan, which calls for the use of concentration camps, amounts to direct and public incitement to genocide – a punishable crime under the Genocide Convention."]
Abunimah, Ali. “Ethan Bronner’s Nakba denial in The New York Times," Electronic Intifada, May 14, 2011. [Excerpt: "For Bronner to continue to promote the Israeli propaganda that the expulsion and flight of Palestinians – the Nakba – occurred only after 15 May 1948 when the much exaggerated Arab “invasion” occurred, is not merely making excuses for Israel’s crimes. It is nothing short of Nakba denial.”]
Abunimah, Ali. “EU diplomats dance on Palestinian graves," Electronic Intifada, May 9, 2019. [Excerpt: "On Nakba Day, @EUinIsrael throws a party at Charles Clore Park, Tel Aviv. The park is established on most of Manshiyya neighborhood in Yaffa which was ethnically cleansed in 1948.”]
Abunimah, Ali. "Europe’s air forces help celebrate Israel’s destruction of Palestine,” Electronic Intifada April 19, 2018.
Abunimah, Ali. “Interactive map of Palestine villages destroyed in Nakba,” Electronic Intifada, May 15, 2011.
Abunimah, Ali. “Israeli police forcibly prevent Nakba event and Israeli high schoolers cheer for Nazis,” Electronic Intifada, April 26, 2012.
Abunimah, Ali. "Israel’s West Bank wall annexes Palestinian land the size of Chicago: Help bring it down,” Electronic Intifada, June 11, 2012.
Abunimah, Ali. "New Netanyahu “peace” plan is straight out of apartheid South Africa,” Electronic Intifada, July 28, 2017.
Abunimah, Ali. “No abandoned land: Palestinians tend ancestors' graves in village ethnically cleansed in 1948," Electronic Intifada, June 17, 2013.
Abunimah, Ali. “100-year-old Israeli general [Yitzhak Pundak] still eager to slaughter Palestinians," Electronic Intifada, August 21, 2013.
Abunimah, Ali. “Ongoing Nakba: Powerful infographic from Visualizing Palestine shows century of land theft, expulsion," Electronic Intifada, May 15, 2013.
Abunimah, Ali. “Professor of Hate: Israeli "scholar" [Arnon Sofer] urges ethnic cleansing of Bedouins," Electronic Intifada, January 11, 2012.
Abunimah, Ali. “Video: Israeli occupiers arrest Palestinian woman with her baby in her arms as she protects her land," Electronic Intifada, January 19, 2013.
Abunimah, Ali. “Watch: “From Al-Araqib to Susiya” - Palestinians highlight Israel’s ongoing efforts to expel them," Electronic Intifada, May 15, 2013.
Abuqudairi, Areej, Maya Hautefeuil, and Alia Chughtai. “Palestinian voices: Life since the Nakba: Al Jazeera talks to older and younger generations of Palestinian refugees about their experiences in the Nakba," Aljazeera, May 15, 2014.
Aburahma, Wafaa. “My village was attacked and burned down": a Nakba survivor speaks," Electronic Intifada, May 29, 2014.
Abu-Ras, Thabet. “Land Disputes in Israel: The Case of the Bedouin of the Naqab," Adalah Newsletter, Vol, 24, April, 2006. Article downloadable as a pdf here.
Aburawa, Arwa. “The great book robbery of 1948,” Electronic Intifada, November 9, 2010.
Abu Sitta, Salman. "Massacres as a weapon of ethnic cleansing during the Nakba. From April 1st to May 14, 1948 -- before Israel was declared, before the British left, and before any Arab soldier entered Palestine to save it -- Zionist militias essentially conquered Palestine,” Mondoweiss, June 12, 2020.
Abu Sitta, Salman. "The Zionist archeology that erases the Palestinians of Burayr. Dr. Salman Abu Sitta excoriates the authors of an archeological survey that covers up the massacre and ethnic cleansing of the village of Burayr in 1948,” Mondoweiss, September 3, 2022.
Abu Sitta, Salman. "When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba,” Mondoweiss, September 5, 2019.
Abu Sitta, Salman and Daleen Aaah, "Anatomy of A Massacre - Abu Shusha, Ramle District,” Academia.edu, September 2020. Available here [Palestine Land Society website].
Abu Sitta, Salman and Daleen Aaah, "Anatomy of A Massacre - Burayr, Gaza district,” Academia.edu, September 2021. Available here [Palestine Land Society website].
Abusalama, Shahd. "The parallel lives of Prince Philip and my grandmother,” Mondoweiss, April 15, 2021. [Excerpt: "Shahd Abusalama’s grandmother was close in age to Prince Philip who died last week, prompting the author to ponder how both Philip and her sitti were from a generation that lived through the end of Britain’s imperial empire, but from strikingly different vantage points.”]
Abusrour, Abdelfattah. “Beautiful Resistance," (re. Palestinian theatre and the Nakba). This Week in Palestine, #169, May, 2012.
Abusayma, Yasmin. "My Grandmother’s Nakba Nightmare,” Electronic Intifada, April 4, 2022. [Excerpt: "My grandmother used to have her own rituals. Every Thursday, she would gather her grandchildren around her and tell us about the history of Palestine. If memory serves me right, I was 5 when I first heard her speak about her hometown, al-Majdal Asqalan.”]
Achar, Gilbert. "Zionism, anti-semitism, and the Balfour Declaration. A complementarity between the anti-semitic desire to get rid of the Jews and the Zionist project of sending all Jews to Palestine seems ignored, for example, by Theresa May.,” openDemocracy, November 2, 2017.
Active Stills. “PHOTOS: Nakba commemorations from Gaza to the Galilee / Photos by: Ahmad Al-Bazz, Mustafa Bader, Keren Manor, Ryan Rodrick Beiler, Yotam Ronen, Omar Sameer, and Oren Ziv," +972, May 16, 2014.
Active Stills. “PHOTOS: Palestinians return to village destroyed in 1948 Nakba: Palestinian citizens of Israel return to the village of Al-Ruways, which was destroyed by Zionist military forces during the Nakba," +972, April 1, 2013.
Active Stills. “PHOTOS: Susya’s women document life under threat of demolition," +972, August 1, 2012.
Adalah (The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel). “Demolition and Eviction of Bedouin Citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev) — The Prawer Plan," Adalah website.
Adalah (The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel). “Report: Forced displacement on both sides of the green line," +972, May 16, 2013.
Adalah (The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel). “Tenders Published by the Israel Land Authority and the Ministry of Construction in 2013: Housing Units, Industrial and Commercial Areas and Palestinian Refugee Property - The Policy of Discrimination and Disenfranchisement Continues," +972, March 30, 2014.
Adamson, Daniel Silas. “The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm; A Palestinian Christian family that preaches non-violence from a farm in the West Bank is battling to hold on to land it has owned for 98 years. Now surrounded by Israeli settlements, the family is a living example of the idea of peaceful resistance," BBC, June 17, 2014.
Aderet, Ofer. “40-year-old Document Reveals Ariel Sharon's Plan to Evict 1,000 Palestinians From Their Homes. Minutes of an 1981 ministerial meeting indicate that Sharon, who would later become Israel's prime minister, proposed allocating West Bank land to the Israeli army for the sole purpose of forcing Palestinians out of their homes,” Haaretz, January 22, [?]. Also available at https://archive.is/JGe0I. [Excerpt: "These archival documents contradict the official position of the state, as presented at various opportunities, according to which areas were only declared firing zones in response to a genuine military need. More recent protocols also support this. In 2014, for example, Haaretz’s Amira Hass reported remarks by an IDF colonel in a closed meeting in the Knesset. He said that training in firing zones in the West Bank was a means to reduce the number of Palestinians living in them.”] [Also see: Middle East Monitor, "Senior IDF officer admits 'live-fire zones' used to expel Palestinians in the West Bank,” May 21, 2014.]
Aderet, Ofer. “General's Final Confession Links 1956 Massacre to Israel's Secret Plan to Expel Arabs. Yiska' Shadmi, the highest IDF officer tried for the Kafr Qasem massacre, admitted before his death that his trial was staged to protect military and political elites. Historian Adam Raz believes that behind the horrific 1956 event was a secret plan to transfer Israel's Arabs,”Ha'aretz, October 13, 2018. [Excerpt: "The court has yet to hand down its judgment, but Raz’s Hebrew-language book “Kafr Qasem Massacre: A Political Biography,” is being published this month by Carmel Press. It is the first such comprehensive study of the affair.”] [Behind paywall; cached version available here.]
Aderet, Ofer. "‘In Cold Blood’ - Israeli Who Commanded Massacre of Dozens of Arab Captives in 1948 Dies at 93. Shmuel Lahis shot all remaining men in a Lebanese village and then blew up the house ‘to make a mass grave.' He received one year in prison, a punishment later revoked, was pardoned by the president and went on to head the Jewish Agency,” Ha’aretz, March 15, 2019.
Aderet, Ofer. “Jewish Soldiers and Civilians Looted Arab Neighbors' Property en Masse in '48. The Authorities Turned a Blind Eye. Refrigerators and caviar, champagne and carpets – a first-ever comprehensive study by historian Adam Raz reveals the extent to which Jews looted Arab property during the War of Independence, and explains why Ben-Gurion stated: ‘Most of the Jews are thieves,’” Ha’aretz, October 2, 2020. [Excerpt: Ben Gurion on July 24, 1948: “It turns out that most of the Jews are thieves… I say this deliberately and simply, because unfortunately it is true"... “People from the Jezreel Valley stole! The pioneers of the pioneers, parents of Palmach [pre-state commando force] children! And everyone took part in it, baruch Hashem, the people of [Moshav] Nahalal!... This is a general blow. It’s appalling, because it shows a basic flaw. Theft and robbery – and where does this come to us from? Why have the people of the land – builders, creators, pioneers – come to deeds like this? What happened?”]
Aderet, Ofer. “Preserving or looting Palestinian books in Jerusalem," Ha'aretz/IOA, December 8, 2012.
Aderet, Ofer. “Testimonies From the Censored Deir Yassin Massacre: 'They Piled Bodies and Burned Them.’ A young fellow tied to a tree and set on fire. A woman and an old man shot in back. Girls lined up against a wall and shot with a submachine gun. The testimonies collected by filmmaker Neta Shoshani about the massacre in Deir Yassin are difficult to process even 70 years after the fact,” Ha'aretz, July 16, 2017.
Ageel, Ghada. “It should be 'forbidden to forget' the Nakba: Israeli advice to Palestinians to "wipe their homeland from their memory" underlines a lack of empathy for Palestinians’ rights," Middle East Eye, May 15, 2014.
Agence France-Presse. “Israeli FM Lieberman slams Arab Israelis over Nakba protest," May 7, 2014. [“Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Wednesday denounced as a "fifth column" thousands of Arab Israelis who joined a demonstration calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees."]
Agence France-Presse. “UN report accuses Israel of pushing Palestinians from Jerusalem, West Bank," February 12, 2012.
Ahmad, Madlaine. "Three generations after the Nakba, still struggling to define home. For Madlaine Ahmad, born and raised in Doha to Palestinian parents with Jordanian citizenship, the answer to ‘where are you from?’ is never simple, and always seems to be wrong,” +972, October 26, 2018. [Excerpt: "My childhood was wiped out because the country that saw me as Jordanian expelled me, but I came here only to discover that I am not Jordanian.”]
Alaluf, Yaara Benger. "If we must talk about Rabin – let us talk about the right of return. Although remembered as a peacemaker, Yitzhak Rabin was one of the key perpetrators of Israel's ethnic cleansing policy,” Mondoweiss, November 1, 2021. [Excerpt: "Rabin himself wrote in his diary: “Psychologically, this was one of the most difficult actions we undertook. The population of Lod did not leave willingly. There was no way of avoiding the use of force and warning shots in order to make the inhabitants march the 10 to 15 miles to the point where they met up with the legion.” This psychological difficulty apparently did not prevent Rabin from continuing to supervise similar operations. In 1956, now chief of the northern command, he led the transfer of Palestinians inhabiting the demilitarized areas along the Syrian border. In that same interview with Shlaim, he said, “I took advantage of the Kadesh Operation [the Suez Crisis] and in fact kicked out all the Arab inhabitants… and moved them to the Syrian territory”. To prevent their return, the refugees had to sign forms where they declared they were leaving of their own will: “Of course there were threats, and they signed for us that they were moving voluntarily”.]
Alaluf, Yaara Benger. "Why does the JNF still exist? The forefathers of Zionism never hid their desire to use the Jewish National Fund to dispossess Palestinians. On its 120th anniversary, now is the time to abolish it,” Mondoweiss, July 8, 2021.
Alexander, Neta. “Today in theatres: 'The Palestinian Nakba,'" Ha'aretz, May 15, 2006.
Aloni, Udi. “Brooklyn-Jenin: Why didn’t the judges prevent the demolition in Lod?” Mondoweiss, December 19, 2010.
Al Asmar, Fouzi. “Israel's Ethnic Cleansing Laws," Arabic Media Internet Network [AMIN), October 15. 2010. Originally in Arabic, it was translated into English and posted to the website of The Palestine Center [US], November 1, 2010.
Al-Ghubari, Umar. “How Israel erases Arabic from the public landscape: The Israeli government has begun omitting the Arabic name for Jerusalem from its street signs, erasing not only the language from the Israeli consciousness, but Palestinian identity itself,” +972, November 22, 2015. [Originally published by Haokets.]
Al-Haq. “Al-Haq's Legal Analysis of Military
Orders 1649 & 1650: Deportation and Forcible
Transfer as International Crimes," April, 2010.
Al-Haq. "An Illusion Of Legality: A Legal
Analysis of Israel's Mass Deportation of
Palestinians on 17 December 1992,” July 19,
2011. ["On 17 December 1992, Israeli
authorities deported 415 Palestinians to
Southern Lebanon. This paper analyses the
legality of the Israeli practice of deporting
Palestinians from the Occupied Palestinian
Territories, and explains how this mass
deportation entailed even more human rights
abuses than had previously been the case. It
includes an analysis of how the Israeli High
Court of Justice supports this illegality, and
how Israeli authorities have been permitted
to act beyond the boundaries of
international law.”]
Al-Haq. “A-nu’man Village: A Case study of
Indirect Forcible Transfer,” July 19, 2011. [“In
April 2002, al-Nu’man’s residents were verbally
informed that the village lay adjacent to the planned
route of the Wall. Shortly after, a preliminary road
was built along the route of the Wall. The road to
al-Nu’man from the neighbouring West Bank
village of al-Khas was destroyed, as were the
village water pipes.”]
Al-Haq. "Application Denied: Separated
Palestinian Families Tell Their Stories,” July
19, 2011. ["This report documents 15 personal
accounts of spouses and parents who are denied
family reunification by Israeli authorities. Each case
illustrates one family's story of separation and
failed attempts of reunification, thus illustrating
an Israeli policy which violates the fundamental
Palestinians' right to live with their family in
their homeland.”]
Al-Haq. "Engineering Community: Family
Unification, Entry Restrictions and other
Israeli Policies of Fragmenting Palestinians,”
February 16, 2019. ["This report broadly
examines how Israel has defined belonging
to mandate Palestine, and has sought to
diminish Palestinian presence through an
array of targeted, systematic policies and
practices. A special focus will be given to the
issue of family unification, as well as the barriers
that foreigners, including those of Palestinian
descent, face in entering and residing in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) due to
Israeli policies.”]
Al-Haq. "Israel's Deportations and Forcible
Transfers of Palestinians out of the West Bank
during the Second Intifada,” July 19, 2011.
["This occasional paper examines the legality,
under international law, of two forms of
deportations or forcible transfers of Palestinians
out of the West Bank adopted by the Israeli
government since the outbreak of the second
intifada in September 2000. The two case studies
are the Church of the Nativity siege in April-May
2002 and the "assigned residence" policy of expelling
West Bank Palestinians to the Gaza Strip since
August 2002.”]
Al-Haq. "Israel's Deportation Policy in the
Occupied West Bank and Gaza,” July 19, 2011.
["This paper examines Israel's reintroduction
of a policy of deportations aimed against
Palestinian residents of the Occupied Palestinian
Territories between 1985 and 1986. It contains
a historical background of deportation, the
deportation procedure used or revived by the
Israeli authorities, and the targeting, timing and
justification of the deportation policy in light of
international law.”]
Al-Haq. “Settling Area C: The Jordan Valley
Exposed,” January 31, 2018. ["Since the
beginning of its military occupation in 1967,
the Israeli authorities have been systematically
appropriating Palestinian land for the establishment
and expansion of Israeli settlements in the Jordan
Valley, as well as unlawfully exploiting Palestinian
natural resources in the area. Through these
practices, the Israeli authorities continue to illegally
exercise sovereign rights over the Jordan Valley and
create facts on the ground with the intent of forcibly
transferring the Palestinian population from the
Jordan Valley and permanently annexing the land.”]
Al-Haq. "The Forced Transfer of Kifah & Intissar
Ajuri,” July 19, 2011. ["This paper examines the forced
transfer of Kifah and Intissar Ajuri from their residence
in the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. In what the Israeli
High Court of Justice terms "assigned residence,” forced
transfer is allegedly made legitimate under the law of
occupation. Al-Haq assess this policy in light of
international law, in effect revealing the
contradictions and shortcomings of the Israeli
judicial system.”]
Al-Haq. "The Right to Unite: The Family Reunification
Question in the Palestinian Occupied Teritories: Law
and Practice,” July 19, 2011. ["This paper examines
the policy of the Israeli authorities towards the question
of family reunification for Palestinians in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories in light of international and local
law. It includes a historical background, as well as a
review of the scope and nature of the problem as exists
Al Jazeera. “Palestinians mark Land Day with protests: Israeli troops fire tear gas in West Bank to disperse participants in event commemorating deaths of protesters in 1976," March 31, 4013.
Al Jazeera. “Palestinians use virtual means to mark Nakba Day. For the 72nd Nakba anniversary, Palestinians took to social media and digital initiatives to commemorate the day,” May 15, 2020. ["Demonstrations across Palestinian cities and towns to commemorate the Nakba have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic this year. Instead, Palestinian activists took to social media to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba, or Day of Catastrophe.”]
Almeghari, Rami. “A double Nakba in Gaza," Electronic Intifada, May 15, 2007.
Almeghari, Rami. “I can coexist with Israelis but only when I return home," says Nakba survivor," Electronic Intifada, May 15, 2014.
Almeghari, Rami. “I'm afraid of dying" without returning home, says Nakba survivor [Abu Khaled]," Electronic Intifada, May 20, 2013.
Almeghari, Rami, Mohammed Asad and Anne Paq. "Stories of the catastrophe: Palestine,” Electronic Intifada, May 16, 2018.
Al-Mezan. “On 64th Anniversary of Nakba, Al Mezan Emphasizes Palestinian Cause Is One of Human Rights, Guaranteed by International Legality, and Calls on International Community to Uphold Its Responsibilities and Stand Up for Justice," Press Release, May 15, 2012.
Alqasis, Amjad. “Israel’s state ideology tantamount to the ongoing Palestinian Nakba," Mondoweiss, May 15, 2015.
Alqasis, Amjad. “The Ongoing Nakba: The continuous forcible displacement of the Palestinian people," Mondoweiss, May 15, 2013. [Originally published by BADIL in al-Majdal #50]
Al-Saadi, Yazan. “The Memories Museum of Dr. Mohammed al-Khatib," Al-Akhbar English, August 7, 2013.
Al-Saadi, Yazan. “Nakba stories: Reminiscing, regrets, and return," Al-Akhbar English, May 15, 2014.
Al-Saadi, Yazan. “Salman Abu Sitta: The Palestinian History Weapon," Al-Akhbar English, August 5, 2012.
Alsaafin, Linah. “Palestinian national strike to stop Israel's "Prawer plan" ethnic cleansing," Electronic Intifada, July 15, 2013.
Alternative Information Center (AIC). “Photos: Israel's Bedouin citizens resist displacement in Al Araqib," Alternative News, September 26, 2012.
Al-Wahid, Nu’man Abd. “Britain’s denial of democracy and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine,” Mondoweiss, June 20, 2011.
Amara, Dr. Ahmad. "Dispossession by the law: How the Israeli judicial system utilises Ottoman land law to expel and dispossess the Palestinian Bedouin,” Middle East Monitor, December 1, 2016.
American Friends Service Committee [AFSC]. “Forced Displacement in Palestine and Israel," [background paper, 15 pgs.], 2013. Available as free, downloadable pdf.
American Friends Service Committee [AFSC]. “Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return," [background paper], 2014.
American Muslims for Palestine [AMP]. “The Nakba - What really happened?” ampalestine.org, April 2009.
Amnesty International. “Israel: rabbis' ban on housing for non-Jews condemned," Amnesty.org.uk, December 7, 2010.
Anziska, Seth. “A Preventable Massacre," The New York Times, September 16, 2012.
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein — also see Bronstein, Eitan
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein. “A Brief History of the "Nakba" in Israel,” de-colonizer.org, May, 2016. [Excerpt: "This text describes the discourse on the Nakba -- mostly the concept but also the historical event -- in Israel. When did it appear? When did it decline and was repressed? What caused these changes? The attempt here is to describe historical moments, a periodization, from the founding of the state until today, in order to describe the relation to the term in each period and the changes it went through. This text deals with the attitude towards the Nakba in Hebrew almost exclusively and does not attempt to describe the attitudes and changes it went through in Arabic and in the Arab world.”]
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein. “Building Summayl for the Children of Israel," Zochrot, December 31, 2013.
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein. “From Gaza to Salameh: A Palestinian refugee's journey home; A Palestinian refugee from Gaza journey’s to his family’s hometown in present-day Tel Aviv. Standing on what used to be the village cemetery, he feels the ghosts of the past as he must reckon with the currently reality," +972, December 14, 2014.
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein. “A small step toward recognizing the Nakba: Putting up signs marking destroyed Palestinian towns and villages could bring about a more moral discourse about the Nakba and its victims,” +972, December 19, 2015.
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein. “Turning Israel into a 'state of all its infiltrators; The past two Israeli governments successfully turned the issue of African asylum seekers into a threat posed by infiltrators, who were subsequently criminalized. A short examination of the country’s history with infiltrators, however, can give us some important insights,'" +972, December 20, 2013.
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein. “Video: Asking Israelis to mark the Nakba on Independence Day,” Mondoweiss, July 14, 2016.
Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein and Dr. Eléonore Merza Bronstein, “In 2015, memory of Nakba has inched closer to Israeli mainstream: Two Nakba-themed events were organized by groups you’d least expect, suggesting that the legacy of the Palestinian catastrophe has ventured beyond Palestinian and leftist circles," +972, May 15, 2015,
Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA). “Israeli government approves massive new evictions in the Naqab," January 28, 2013.
Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine. “End all demolitions in Al Bustan, Silwan and all of East Jerusalem," Israeli Occupation Archive, September 16, 2012.
Ariel, Arik. “Revealed from the archive: Israel's secret plan to resettle Arab refugees: Plans drawn up during the 1950s and ’60s had one overriding goal: to preserve the demographic status quo by resettling the 1948 Arab refugees far away from the country," Haaretz, December 19. 2013. [Behind Haaretz paywall. Accessed cached version: 6/3/19.]
Arraf, Suha. "Land grabs in Israel never ended — they became more sophisticated. From maintaining British Mandate laws to turning land into national parks, Israel is dispossessing Palestinian citizens to this day, says lawyer Salim Wakim,” +972, March 31, 2021. [Excerpt: "Land Day was a formative event. Every year there is growing awareness. Marking Land Day only strengthened the connection to the land and made people understand the Zionist strategy of dispossession.”]
Aruri, Naseer. “The Meaning of the Nakba," CounterPunch, May 21, 2012.
Asalti, Ziad J. “The Lessons of the Nakba," Newsweek/Daily Beast, May 11, 2012.
Ascherman, Rabbi Arik. “Help us to prevent Forty thousand Israeli Bedouin citizens from being forceably removed from their homes,” Rabbis for Human Rights, May 3, 2013.
Ascherman, Rabbi Arik. “Letters Urgently Needed to Save Susya: Shavuot Thoughts on Being Torah,” Rabbis for Human Rights, May 14, 2013.
Asher, Ami. “'Thanks for doing Zionism's filthy work': A response to Ari Shavit; Israeli journalist Ari Shavit expresses gratitude for the perpetrators of the Lydda expulsion and massacre — for doing the ‘filthy work,’ explaining that, even ‘the critics of later years enjoyed the fruits of their deed.’ A response to Shavit’s ‘Lydda, 1948‘ published in The New Yorker,” +972, November 11, 2013.
Ashley, Jaclynn, and Soud Hefawi. "Nakba: 'It remains bitter and continues to burn’; A Palestinian elder recounts how the creation of Israel shattered his pastoral village life nearly 70 years ago,” Al-Jazeera, May 15, 2017.
Ashrawi, Hanan. “Israel's Cynical Definition of 'Refugee,'” Huffington Post, September 6, 2012. [Excerpt: "The intention of Israel’s campaign is not to protect the rights of Jews, nor to deliberately “dezionize” Israel, but rather to undermine the rights of the Palestinian refugees, whom it uprooted, dispossessed, and expelled from their homeland.”]
Askoul, Rana. "The Balfour Declaration set in motion the ethnic cleansing of Palestine,” Mondoweiss, November 2, 2017.
Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI). "Position Paper: Kaminitz Law (Draft Planning and Construction Law),” ACRI website, February 6, 2017.
Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI). “Principles for Arranging Recognition of Bedouin Villages n the Negev,” ACRI Policy Brief, June, 2011. [Downloadable PDF] Also see New Israel Fund Australia,” ACRI: Discriminatory Prawer Plan Approved."
Ateek, Naim. “The Ongoing Nakba,” Cornerstone [Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center], Issue 50, Summer 2008, pp. 1-4.
Auron, Yair. “The Poem That Exposed Israeli War Crimes in 1948; A poem published by Natan Alterman during Israel's War of Independence criticizing human-rights abuses was lauded by Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, who even distributed 100,000 copies of it among soldiers; other such testimonies were made to disappear,” Haaretz, March 18, 2016.
Azaiza, Mohammed. "Emigrating from Gaza to the grave, with a little help from Israel,” Haaretz, August 27, 2019. [Excerpt: "Gazans don’t want an easing of conditions in order to emigrate and to leave their cities and villages, because that is not what will solve their distress. The solution is liberty and freedom for the residents, all the rights and opportunities to which all the inhabitants of the region are entitled. The Strip will be built by itself, by its children, and will restore hope to itself.”]
Azoulay, Ariela. “A few thoughts for Nakba Day,” Zochrot, May, 2012.
Azzam, Zeina. “May 15, 2016: 68 Years Since Palestine’s Nakba,” Huffington Post, May 12, 2016.
Bacon, Jesse. “Israel demolishes entire village for fifth time, immediately after holiday, Updated with video,” Israel: The Only Democracy in the Middle East?, September 13, 2010.
Bacon, Jesse. “Israeli court welcomes pre-1948 land claims, from Jewish Israelis only,” Israel: The Only Democracy in the Middle East?, October 5, 2010.
Bacon, Jesse. “Israeli right wing admits to dispossessing Palestinians, says Nakba was worse,” Israel: The Only Democracy in the Middle East?, September 9, 2010.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “57th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba,” Electronic Intifada, May 10, 2005.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “65th Commemoration: Ongoing Nakba and Secondary Forcible Displacement,” International Middle East Media Center [IMEMC], May 15, 2013
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians face constant threat of displacement,” July 2, 2013. [Press release announcing the publishing of BADIL's handbook “Israeli Land Grab and Forced Population Transfer of Palestinians: A Handbook for Vulnerable Individuals and Communities," BADIL, June 24, 2013. The handbook can be downloaded here.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “Israel and the Nakba,” BADIL.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “Israeli Land Grab and Forced Population Transfer of Palestinians: A Handbook for Vulnerable Individuals and Communities," June 24, 2013. This handbook can be downloaded here.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “The Jewish National Fund: A Para-State Institution in the Service of Colonialism and Apartheid," al-Majdal, Winter-Spring, 2010. This issue of al-Majdal can be downloaded here.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “'The New Nakba' - Gaza," November 12, 2012. ["Khalil Shaheen from the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) talks about Israel's 'Operation Cast Lead' which lead to the temporary displacement of about half a million Palestinians. For those refugees in Gaza who could remember the original Nakba years (1947-49), they described the 2008-09 Israeli bombardment of Gaza as "worse than the original Nakba".]
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “Practicing Truth to Power: A report about BADIL's latest work to combat Forced Population Transfer," Summer, 2013.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “Ruling Palestine: A History of the Legally Sanctioned Jewish-Israeli Seizure of Land and Housing in Palestine," The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), 2005.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights. “What You Need to Know about Palestinian Refugees and internally Displaced Persons," [60 Nakba Campaign; 24 page pamphlet downloadable as pdf here].
Bahour, Sam and Fida Jiryis. “Why Land Day still matters: Today, with no resolution in sight to the historic injustices inflicted upon them, Palestinians in Israel and elsewhere use this day to remember and redouble their efforts for emancipation," +972, March 30, 2014.
Bailey, Kristian Davis. "Solidarity means insisting on Palestinian right of return,” Electronic Intifada, May 14, 2020.
Bak, Rebecca Yael. “Not Next Year, Not in Jerusalem: Israeli Palestinians' - and My Family's - Desire to Return Home," New Voices, April 21, 2006.
Banko, Laura. "A brief history of banning Arabs from Palestine,” The Nakba Files, August 23, 2016.
Bannoura, Saed. “At Least 17 Including 7 Reporters Injured as Army Attacks Bab Al-Shams Again, International Middle East Media Center [IMEMC], January 15, 2013.
Bannoura, Saed. “Israel Approves 650 Units In Pisgat Ze’ev Settlement,” International Middle East Media Center [IMEMC], December 3, 2011.
Bannoura, Saed. “Israeli government allows sale of stolen Palestinian property to Israelis,” International Middle East Media Center [IMEMC], March 15, 2010.
Barat, Frank. “Interview with Lia Tarachansky: a former settler documents the Nakba,” Ma’an News Agency, November 28, 2013.
Barghouthi, Mariam. “Nakba: Mutilating the memory of Palestinian exile,” International Business Times, May 26, 2016.
Barghouthi, Mustafa. “Israeli Denial and the Nakba,” Huffington Post, July 22, 2013.
Barghouthi, Mustafa. “It's Time for Israel to Apologize for the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Saying sorry will not destroy Israel -- it will be a first step towards making amends for crimes that occurred 65 years ago," AlterNet, May 21, 2013.
Baroud, Ramzy. “Defined by Nakba and Exile: The Complex Reality of “Home” for Palestinians,” Dissident Voice, January 20, 2016.
Baroud, Ramzy. “How We Became Refugees: The Day My Grandfather Lost His Village in Palestine,” Middle East Monitor, May 15, 2020.
Baroud, Ramzy. "Imagining Palestine: Barghouti, Darwish, Kanafani and the language of exile,” Mondoweiss, February 25, 2021. [Excerpt: "Mourid Barghouti, beloved Palestinian poet and the author of the stirring memoir “I saw Ramallah,” died earlier this month in Amman at the age of 76.”]
Baroud, Ramzy. "Israel at 70: 'Why I have to tell the story of the Palestinian struggle to return home’ He was born in a refugee camp in Gaza, his childhood friend was one of the four killed in the First Intifada uprising of 1987 and his father died under siege in Gaza. Ramzy Baroud looks back at the past 70 years and recounts why this Nakba is more important than ever,” Independent [UK], May 13, 2018.
Baroud, Ramzy. "Palestine retold: Who’s afraid of the Nakba?” Al Arabia, April 20, 2017.
Baroud, Ramzy. “The resolve of memory: The Palestinian Nakba of 1948 was not an isolated event; it is ongoing today, and so no Palestinian forgets," Al-Ahram Weekly, May 17-23, 2012.
Baroud, Ramzy. “Roots of the Conflict: Palestine’s Nakba in the Larger Arab ‘Catastrophe,’ Middle East Monitor, May 16, 2016.
Baroud, Ramzy. “66 Year Nakba: I Saw Yafa, Land of Oranges,” Foreign Policy Journal, May 23, 2014.
Baroud, Ramzy. “Why Israel Elites Fear the Nakba: How memory became Palestine’s greatest weapon” [interview with Mustafa Barghouti], Informed Comment, May 20, 2020.
Barrows-Friedman, Nora. “Mass demolition as Israel ethnically cleanses Naqab desert," Electronic Intifada, May 31, 2013. [Includes transcript of interview with Jillain Kestler-D'Amours on forced displacement of bedouin communities by the Israeli government.]
Barrows-Friedman, Nora. “Nakba Survivor: new website highlights testimonies of the Nakba,” Electronic Intifada, May 13, 2011.
Barrows-Friedman, Nora. “WATCH: Remi Kanazi's new poem, "Nakba," about his grandmother's expulsion in 1948," Electronic Intifada, May 15, 2013.
Bartlett, Eva. “Gaza “a new Sabra and Shatilla”, the on-going Nakba," InGaza, July 20, 2014.
Bartlett, Eva. “Living the Nakba in Gaza," Electronic Intifada, May 23, 2010.
Bartlett, Eva. “Palestinian voice from Susiya, a Palestinian village that existed before the establishment of Israel," InGaza, July 30, 2012.
Batinga, Jake. "70 years of shooting refugees,” Electronic Intifada, October 8, 2019. [“(Morris) recounts, for example, how Israel operated a “free fire” policy on refugees seeking to return home. According to Morris, Israeli forces “fired at anything that moved” and often executed injured refugees “on the spot.” Between 2,700 and 5,000 refugees were killed under the free fire policy, the vast majority of whom were unarmed civilians, from 1949 to 1956. Furthermore, “no Israeli soldier, policeman, or civilian was ever tried for shooting and killing an unarmed Arab infiltrator,” Morris writes.”]
Baumann, Nick. “This [Muslim] American Refused to Become an FBI Informant. Then the Government Made His Family's Life Hell. Plus, secret recordings reveal FBI threats," Mother Jones, May/June 2014.
Bazian, Hatem. “The Nakba: Narrating the “Non-Existing” Palestinians into History!” HatemBazian.com, May 11, 2016.
BBC News. “UN chief says East Jerusalem demolition plan "illegal,'" June 24, 2010.
Beaumont, Peter. "Palestinian barber keeps alive memories of his father's flight from Jaffa; Iskander Hinn has on display the old clippers and razors his father took with him when he fled home 68 years ago,” Guardian [UK], May 13, 2016.
Beckerman, Gal. “Top Genocide Scholars Battle Over How to Characterize Israel's Actions," The Jewish Daily Forward, February 25, 2011.
Beiler, Ryan Roderick [and Active Stills]. “PHOTOS: March of return to a destroyed Nakba village: On the day that many Israelis celebrated their Independence Day, thousands of Palestinian residents of Israel and Jerusalem marched to the site of the northern village of Lubya. Lubya was one of more than 500 Palestinian communities destroyed by Zionist militias in the Nakba, Arabic for ‘catastrophe,’ the term given to the forced displacement of some 750,000 refugees before, during and following the 1948 War," +972, May 7, 2014.
Beinart, Peter. "A Jewish case for Palestinian refugee return. As fraught and imperfect as efforts at historical justice can be, consider what happens when they do not occur. The crimes of the past, when left unaddressed, do not remain in the past,” The Guardian [UK], May 18, 2021. [“The argument against refugee return begins with a series of myths about what happened in 1948, the year in which Britain relinquished its control over Mandatory Palestine, Israel was created, and the Nakba occurred. These myths allow Israeli and diaspora Jewish leaders to claim that Palestinians effectively expelled themselves.The most enduring myth is that Palestinians fled because Arab and Palestinian officials told them to. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an American Jewish organisation that fights antisemitism, asserts that many Palestinians left “at the urging of Arab leaders, and expected to return after a quick and certain Arab victory over the new Jewish state”. The Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi debunked this claim as early as 1959. In a study of Arab radio broadcasts and newspapers, and the communiques of the Arab League and various Arab and Palestinian fighting forces, he revealed that, far from urging Palestinians to leave, Palestinian and Arab officials often pleaded with them to stay. Zionist leaders at the time offered a similar assessment. Israel’s intelligence service noted in a June 1948 report that the “impact of ‘Jewish military action’ … on the migration was decisive”. It added that “orders and directives issued by Arab institutions” accounted for the evacuation of only 5% of villages.”]
Beinart, Peter. "Is Denying the Nakba Antisemitism?” The Beinart Notebook [blog], May 23, 2022. ["What made Lapid’s speech subversive was that by calling all violent bigotry “antisemitism,” he suggested that Jews should view all violent bigotry as equally wrong. Which means that, by Lapid’s own logic, Jews should see the Nakba as a grave “antisemitic” act. Why isn’t this obvious? How can so many Jewish leaders deny that driving three quarters of a million Palestinians from their homes—either at gunpoint or fear of gunpoint—constituted a profound act of violent bigotry.”]
Bekker, Vita. “Bedouins fight a new catastrophe in the Negev," The National, July 22, 2013.
Berger, Yotam. "Declassified: Israel Made Sure Arabs Couldn't Return to Their Villages. Trove of archival documents reveals how Israel prevented Arabs from returning to villages they had left in 1948 – chiefly, by razing structures and planting dense forests,” Ha'aretz, May 27, 2019. [Excerpt: "After the War of Independence in 1948, the state imposed military rule over Arabs living around the country, which applied to an estimated 85 percent of that community at the time, say researchers at the NGO. The Arabs in question were subject to the authority of a military commander who could limit their freedom of movement, declare areas to be closed zones, or demand that the inhabitants leave and enter certain locales only with his written permission. The newly revealed documents describe the ways Israel prevented Arabs from returning to villages they had left in 1948, even after the restrictions on them had been lifted. The main method: dense planting of trees within and surrounding these towns.”]
Berger, Yotam. "Israeli Farms Illegally Cultivating Hundreds of Acres of Palestinian Land Across Border. Moshavim around Latrun working some 370 acres of West Bank land that was handed to them by government authority in the 1980s; Palestinians torn on whether to fight in Israeli High Court of Justice,“ Ha'aretz, October 7, 2016.
Berthiaume, Lee. “Life of Pi, The English Patient authors among 70 Canadian writers calling on Israel to stop evictions," Ottawa Citizen, July 11, 2013.
Bhandar, Brenna and Rafeef Ziadah. "Acts and Omissions: Framing Settler Colonialism in Palestine Studies,” Jadaliyya, January 14, 2016.
Bikom [Planners for Planning Rights} and B'Tselem [The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories]. “Under the Guise of Security: Routing the Separation Barrier to Enable the Expansion of Israeli Settlements in the West Bank," December, 2005. [89 page report, downloadable as pdf.]
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Bisharat, Odeh. "If Israel's High Court Approves the Nakba, Why Should the Hilltop Hooligans Even Bother?” Haaretz, May 10, 2022. ["In the glory days, in the ’48 Nakba, it was possible to use all kinds of excuses and somehow the world bought them. But the present Nakba not only raises tough ethical questions, it also reopens the wounds, and the questions arise not only regarding the justice of the present Nakba, but also regarding that Nakba in ’48, the “Mother of all Nakbas.”]
Bitan, Eli. "Israel is expelling 300 Palestinians, to a village it plans to demolish: Dkaika, a tiny Bedouin-Palestinian village in the south Hebron Hills, is under threat of demolition. The state hopes to expel its residents to a nearby village — which is also under threat of destruction,” +972, July 13, 2017.
Black, Ian. “1948 no catastrophe says Israel, as term nakba banned from Arab children's textbooks,” Guardian [UK], July 22, 2009.
Black, Ian. “Remembering the Nakba: Israeli group puts 1948 Palestine back on the map: Zochrot aims to educate Israeli Jews – through tours and a new phone app – about a history obscured by enmity and denial," Guardian [UK], May 2, 2012.
Blatman, Daniel. "For the Nakba, There's No Need of an 'Expulsion Policy’: In contrast to what Benny Morris claimed, Adel Manna's 'Nakba and Survival' is an inspiring book, noteworthy for its methodical approach in presenting a credible, multifaceted history of the Palestinian tragedy of 1948,” Ha’aretz, August 4, 2017.
Blau, Uri. “Seeing the forest and the trees: The untold story of the Jewish National Fund," Ha'aretz, December 9, 2011.
Blomfield, Adrian. “Cave-dwelling Palestinian farmers facing eviction from homes," The Telegraph [UK]," May 13, 2012.
Blumenthal, Max. “CNN Analyst Michael Weiss Hosted Anti-Muslim Rally with Far-Right Hate Queen Pamela Geller. From Muslim-bashing neocon operative to CNN’s Syria and Russia expert, it’s been a long, strange trip for Weiss,” AlterNet, August 15, 2017.
Blumenthal, Max. “Eviction of Bab Al Shams exposes Israel as a lawless state," Electronic Intifada, January 14, 2013.
Blumenthal, Max. “The forest through the trees: What the Carmel fire reminds us about Israel's history," Mondoweiss, December 7, 2010.
Blumenthal, Max. "Inside the Trump Administration's War on UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees. Diplomatic insider describes attempts by Jared Kushner and Nikki Haley to destroy a UN agency that supports millions of Palestinians,” AlterNet, January 24, 2018.
Blumenthal, Max. “Israel stands by ‘the damned’ of 1948 as it seeks to finish the Nakba," The National, May 31, 2014.
Boarini, Silvia. “In photos: Israeli bulldozers raze Bedouin community," Electronic Intifada, June 18, 2014.
Burston, Bradley. “For Palestinians, Every Day is Nakba Day,” Huffington Post, May 23, 2011.
Bronstein, Eitan. — also see Aparicio, Eitan Bronstein
Bronstein, Eitan. “Local Jewish Opposition to the Palestinian Nakba," Zochrot, 2006.
Bronstein, Eitan. “Min wayn jaye inti?” Where the hell do you come from?: Repression of the Nakba and post-trauma among Jews in Israel,” paper presented at the Shadow of Memory: Relational Perspectives of Remembering & Forgetting conference held in Tel Aviv, posted by Adam Horowitz to Mondoweiss, June 25, 2009.
Bronstein, Eitan. “Nakba Law: Inside Pandora’s Box: Paradoxically, the overbearing stance of Israel’s Nakba law has significantly increased public interest in the Nakba,” +972, May 14, 2011.
Bronstein, Eitan. “The Nakba: Something That Did Not Occur (Although It Had to Occur)," Zochrot, trans. from Hebrew by Ingrid Jaradat Gassner, September, 2009 (first published in Haq al-Awda, May, 2004).
Bronstein, Eitan. “A panel discussion on The Nakba and the right of return at Tel Hai," Zochrot, January, 2012.
Bronstein, Eitan, with Musih, Norma. “Al-Haram (Sidna Ali) in the memory of Herzliya," Zochrot, March, 2007.
Brown, Michael F. "In article on Jerusalem, New York Times falsifies history of 1948, 1967,” Electronic Intifada, December 6, 2017.
Bseiso, Jehan. “Letter to Ghassan Kanafani on the 66th Anniversary of the Nakba," The Palestine Chronicle, May 16, 2014.
B’Tselem [The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories]. "Expel and Exploit: The Israeli Practice of Taking over Rural Palestinian Land,” December, 2016. [The report can be downloaded here.]
B’Tselem [The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories]. "Israel is asking the High Court’s permission to commit war crime,” press release, September 24, 2017.
B’Tselem [The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories]. "Over 300 public figures from around the world: Forcible transfer of Khan al-Ahmar community a war crime,” press release, June 11, 2018.
Buccus, Imraan. “We cry with Palestinians as they mark the Nakba,” Sunday Independent [South Africa], May 15, 2016.
Buch, Victoria. “The History and “Morals” of Ethnic Cleansing,” CounterPunch, January 6, 2009.
Bullimore, Kim. “Remembering Al Nakba in the Occupied Territories," The Palestine Chronicle, May 17, 2008.
Burg, Avraham. “Independence and Nakba: Intertwined and inseparable, The Israeliness I believe in and aspire to encompasses all Israelis and all their histories together," Haaretz, May 5, 2014.
Burston, Bradley. “For Palestinians, Every Day is Nakba Day," Huffington Post, July 23, 2011.
Buttu, Mohamed. "The Palestinian Nakba Wasn’t Just a Historical Event. It Has Continued Unabated for 70 Years. Israel continues to steal Palestinian land, revoke residency rights, and destroy Palestinian homes so that Jewish Israelis can live in their place,” The Nation, May 24, 2018.
Carlstom, Gregg. “Palestinians testify to 'ongoing Nakba': For millions of Palestinians, their displacement which began with the creation of Israel in 1948, is an ongoing process," Al Jazeera, May 15, 2014.
Catron, Joe. “Gaza researchers determined to record Nakba generation before time runs out," Electronic Intifada, October 23, 2013.
Catron, Joe. “Palestinian Christian struggle mapped in new book," Electronic Intifada, April 30, 2014.
Catron, Joe. “Voices from Gaza: What does Nakba mean to you?" Middle East Eye, May 15, 2014.
CBS News. “Palestinian village faces demolition by Israel," June 21, 2012.
CBS News [AP]. "Palestinians' Abbas accuses Israel of "ethnic cleansing," September 27, 2012.
Chacar, Henriette. "PODCAST: The project bringing Palestinian refugees back home. What does the right of return mean to Palestinians, 72 years since the Nakba? Tarek Bakri’s visual documentation project offers a glimpse,” +972, May 15, 2020. ["The person filming Nour is Tarek Bakri, a young Palestinian engineer-turned- accidental-archivist. Almost 10 years ago, Tarek started a project called Kunna ou Ma Zilna, Arabic for “we were and are still here.” It’s a way of visually documenting Palestine in the social media era. Using old photos and oral history, he helps Palestinians find their original homes and villages, many of which are now depopulated, destroyed or occupied by Jewish Israelis.”]
Center for Constitutional Rights. “Archaeologists Worldwide Urge Halt to “Museum of Tolerance” Construction on Ancient Muslim Cemetery,” CCR Press Release, October 20, 2011.
Chelala, César. “Israel Guilty of Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians: UN Rapporteur," Informed Comment, March 22, 2014.
Chernikoff, Helen. “Despite Withdrawal of Hillel Support, Jewish Students Hold Nakba Commemoration Event,” The Forward, May 11, 2016.
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Christian Peacemaker Teams [Tuwani Team]. “Israeli military demolishes village of Amniyr for second time in five weeks,” South Hebron Hills Release, March 29, 2011.
Chroniques de Palestine - Popular resistance and human rights, “To exist is to resis! Rebuilding homes in Anata," January 27, 2012.
Cohen, Moshe. “Israeli Partiers Ignore Independence Nakba Protest: Picnickers in the Lavie Forest did not let an anti-Israel "Nakba" protest mar Independence Day, with help from Hashomer Hachadash," Arutz Sheva, May 8, 2014.
Cohen, Moshe. “Pro-Israel Students: 'Nakba' is the Arabs' Own Fault: Pro-Israel students at Tel Aviv University faced off against leftists commemorating the “Nakba” outside the campus on Sunday," Arutz Sheva, May 11, 2014.
Cohen, Robert. “Put Yourself in Their Shoes: Taking Obama Seriously for Nakba at 65," Tikkun Daily, May 15, 2013.
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Cola, Elliott. “NPR: Israeli Chef Invents Baba Ghannouj," Jadaliyya, June 28, 2011.
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Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine. “At the 60 year anniversary of Israel’s creation Palestinians are still homeless,” Nakba Day Flyer (PDF).
Commons, Sara. “Commemorating Nakba 2015," Socialist Worker, May 20, 2015.
Coogan, Mike. “How US “charities” break tax laws to fund Israeli settlements,” DesertPeace, September 6, 2011.
Cook, Jonathan. “Canada Park and Israeli “memoricide,” The Electronic Intifada, March 10, 2009.
Cook, Jonathan. "The Expulsion Law: This Is What Israeli Democracy Looks Like,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, October 2016, pp. 8-9, 19.
Cook, Jonathan. "‘Finished with the bluffing’: Jewish National Fund goes public with its aid to settlers,” Mondoweiss, March 17, 2021. [Excerpt: "The Jewish National Fund is a linchpin of the system that enforces superior rights for Jews over Palestinians, whether inside Israel or in the occupied territory. A recent JNF decision to start publicly funding projects in the West Bank just makes that role more clear. Now the question becomes — will its international supporters stand by the organization?”]
Cook, Jonathan. “Former Dutch Ambassador, Son of “Righteous Gentile,” Apologizes for Ethnic Cleansing,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,” January/February 2017, pp. 18-20.
Cook, Jonathan. “A History of Silencing Israeli Army Whistleblowers: From 1948 Until Today,” CounterPunch, March 24, 2016.
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Cook, Jonathan. “How Israel aims to redefine ‘ethnic cleansing’; Netanyahu’s controversial comments have thrown another obstacle in the way of Palestinian statehood, analysts say,” Jonathan-Cook.net; November 12, 2016.
Cook, Jonathan. "How Israel is ‘cleansing’ Palestinians from Greater Jewish Jerusalem,” Midle East Eye, November 23, 2017.
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Cook, Jonathan. “If settlements are 'legal', the ground is laid for annexation," The National, July 18, 2012.
Cook, Jonathan. “IIqrit Descendants Determined to Rebuild, Return to Their Destroyed Village," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August 2013, pp. 38-39.
Cook, Jonathan. "In Umm al-Hiran, it is 'a continuing Nakba’: Israel has advanced plans to raze the village of 150 homes and replace it with a town for Israeli Jews,”
Al Jazeera, January 22, 2017.
Cook, Jonathan. “Israel plans more construction on historic Muslim cemetery,” The Electronic Intifada, June 14, 2010.
Cook, Jonathan. “Israel tells schools not to teach nakba,” The National, August 22, 2010.
Cook, Jonathan. “lsrael Uses Closed Military Firing Zones to Drive More Palestinians From Their Land,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,” September 2014, pp. 26-27.
Cook, Jonathan. “Israel’s settlers clear path to annexation with new land law,” Mondoweiss, February 8, 2017.
Cook, Jonathan. “Israeli police block Palestinian 'March of Return’: The March of Return is held each year to commemorate the 1948 Nakba,” Al Jazeera, April 9, 2017.
Cook, Jonathan. “Israelis Slowly Wake up to the Nakba," The Palestine Chronicle, May 15, 2014.
Cook, Jonathan. “It's time for Palestinians in Israel to stand firm against the Bantustan plan of Oslo, An interview with Awad Abdel Fattah," Israeli Occupation Archive, November 14, 2012.
Cook, Jonathan. “Land Law Is Final Nail in the Two-State Solution Coffin,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March/April 2017, pp. 8, 17..
Cook, Jonathan. “The Nakba Continues: Israel Continues Its Theft of Palestinian Natural Resources," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January/February 2014, pp. 14-15.
Cook, Jonathan. "Newspeak, Netanyahu-Style: Portraying Israeli Ethnic Cleansers as Victims,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, November/December 2016, pp. 8-9.
Cook, Jonathan. “On Nakba Day, Israelis forced to confront a guilty secret," Mondoweiss, May 15, 2014.
Cook, Jonathan. “Only Palestinian Village Remaining in Central Israel Threatened With Demolition," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,” May, 2015, pp. 14-15.
Cook, Jonathan. “Palestinians ask Israeli court to reject land grab law: Israel’s move to retroactively legalise settler homes in the occupied West Bank has triggered a storm of criticism,” Al Jazeera, February 10, 2017.
Cook, Jonathan. “Papal Visit to Israel Takes Place Amid Increasing Violence Against Christians," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,” August 2014, pp. 20-21.
Cook, Jonathan. “Plan Lieberman: Blueprint for a Purely Jewish State,” CounterPunch, June 28, 1012.
Cook, Jonathan. “Sunbathing at the crime scene: the Israeli resort that covers up a massacre,” Electronic Intifada, June 3, 2015. ["There are few clues today at the site of the single worst massacre committed by the Israeli army during the 1948 war that established a Jewish state on the ruins of the Palestinians’ homeland. For Palestinians, Tantura, the name of a coastal village south of Haifa that was once home to 1,700 inhabitants, has become a byword for the darkest episodes of the Nakba (Arabic for catastrophe), the ethnic cleansing of 1948. For Israelis, the site is referred to by a different name — Dor, known as a popular beach resort belonging to two neighboring kibbutzim, Dor and Nahsholim, an hour’s drive north of Tel Aviv.”]
Cook, Jonathan. “Welcome to Nazareth," The Link, August, 2012. Also available at Israeli Occupation Archive.
Cook, Jonathan. “Why Israel has silenced the 1948 story of Nazareth’s survival,” Jonathan-Cook.net January 12, 2016. [Originally published in Mondoweiss] [Excerpt: "The reason for Nazareth’s survival are the actions of one individual. Ben Dunkelman, a Canadian Jew who was the commander of the Israeli army’s Seventh Armoured Brigade, disobeyed orders to expel Nazareth’s residents.”]
Cook, Jonathan, Dylan Collins and Ezz Zanoun. "Nakba survivors share their stories of loss and hope: Three Palestinian refugees share their stories of displacement, loss and hope to return to their villages,” Al Jazeera, May 19, 2016.
Crowcroft, Orlando. “What does al-Nakba Day mean for Palestinians?” International Business Times, May 14, 2015.
Curiel, Ilana. “Turning Bedouin village into Jewish settlement is racist,'" Ynet [Israel News], September 29, 2012.
Dajani, Jamal. “Your Indepedence is our Nakba," Huffington Post, May 25, 2011.
Dana, Joseph. “Foundation Myths: Stifling debate on the Nakba — the Arabic word for catastrophe and how Palestinians refer to Israel’s founding — prevents a free and open discussion of the historical record,” Tablet, June 1, 2011.
Dana, Joseph. “Israel’s strategy to seize Jerusalem on display for all to see,” The National, April 25, 2012.
Dana, Joseph. “Occupation & Nakba: Interview with Ariella Azoulay & Adi Ophir,” +972, May 14, 2011.
Dana, Seif. "The 1967 Naksa: The making of the new Middle East: The seeds of the current troubled Middle Eastern scene were sown in the June 1967 war that Israel started,” Al Jazeera, June 10, 2016.
Daraghmeh, Mohammed. “Nakba Day 2013: Palestinians Mark 65th Anniversary Of 1948 Displacement," Huffington Post, May 15, 2013.
Darweish, Marwan. "The Nakba: how the Palestinians were expelled from Israel,” The Conversation, May 11, 2023. ["UN resolution 194 – passed in December 1948 – read as follows: Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible. Seventy-five years later, Palestinians are still losing their homes and the resolution remains unresolved. And as Israel celebrates its 75th anniversary, the moral claim of Palestinians continues to be ignored.”]
Darwish, Mahmoud. “I Belong There,” poets.org. [poem by Mahmoud Darwish, 1941 - 2008; from Unfortunately, It Was Paradise by Mahmoud Darwish, translated and edited by Munir Akash and Carolyn Forché with Sinan Antoon and Amira El-Zein. Copyright © 2003 by the Regents of the University of California.]
Dearden, Lizzie. “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds; Israeli President Reuven Rivlin called the findings a ‘wake-up call for Israeli society,’” Independent [UK], March 8, 2016.
Decker, Stefanie. "Nakba 70 years on: Refugees remember lost homeland: Palestinian tells Al Jazeera 'all refugees in Gaza feel the occupation standing on your chest', as they get ready to commemorate the day when tens of thousands were expelled from their homes in 1948,” Al Jazeera, May 15, 2018.
Deger, Allison. “Destroyed Palestinian village outfitted with 1,000 JNF trees memorializing Denver couple’s dead dogs," Mondoweiss, May 30, 2014.
Deger, Allison. “Dispatch from the Negev: Bedouins brace for doom, under Prawer Plan," Mondoweiss, July 30, 2013.
Deger, Allison. “IDF uses inhabited Palestinian villages as military playground," Mondoweiss, August 8, 2012.
Deger, Allison. “Im Tirtzu protests 'nakba bullshit' at Tel Aviv University," Mondoweiss, May 14, 2013.
Deger, Allison. “Major olive producing village ordered to uproot 1,400 trees by May 1,” Mondoweiss, April 28, 2012.
Deger, Allison. “More than 700 rabbis, cantors and rabbinical students protest E1 construction," Mondoweiss, January 7, 2013.
Deger, Allison. “Nakba denial: ‘NYT’ removes the word ‘expulsion’ from article describing Palestinian refugees,” Mondoweiss, December 2, 2011.
Deger, Allison. "The sacking of Jaffa during the Palestinian Nakba, as narrated by three Omars,” Mondoweiss, May 15, 2016.
Deger, Allison. “The symbol of Nakba: Deir Yassin remembered," Mondoweiss, April 10, 2012.
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